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Hidden Tricks with AbortController


Today, I'd like to talk about one of the standard JavaScript APIs you are likely sleeping on. It's called AbortController.

What is AbortController?

The AbortController interface represents a controller object that allows you to abort anything when desired.

Here's how you use it:

const controller = new AbortController()

Creating a controller instance provides you with two key components:

  • AbortController.signal: an instance of AbortSignal, which can be used to communicate with, or to abort, an asynchronous operation.
  • AbortController.abort(): aborts an asynchronous operation before it has completed. When called, triggers the abort event on the signal. It also updates the signal to be marked as aborted.

You might wonder where the actual abort logic resides. Here's the elegant part—you define it! Simply listen for the abort event and implement your cancellation logic as needed:

controller.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
  // Implement the abort logic.

Now, let's explore which standard JavaScript APIs have built-in support for AbortSignal.


Event listeners

You can provide an abort signal when adding an event listener for it to be automatically removed once the abort happens.

For example, calling controller.abort() removes the resize listener from the window. That is an extremely elegant way of handling event listeners because you no longer need to separately define the listener function for later removal with .removeEventListener().

const listener = () => {}
// window.addEventListener('resize', listener)
// window.removeEventListener('resize', listener)
const controller = new AbortController()
window.addEventListener('resize', listener, { signal: controller.signal })

This pattern is especially useful when different parts of your application need to manage listener cleanup, as passing around an AbortController instance is much cleaner than sharing function references.

One of the most powerful features is the ability to use a single signal to manage multiple event listeners simultaneously!

useEffect(() => {
  const controller = new AbortController()
  window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize, {
    signal: controller.signal,
  window.addEventListener("hashchange", handleHashChange, {
    signal: controller.signal,
  window.addEventListener("storage", handleStorageChange, {
    signal: controller.signal,
  return () => {
    // Calling `.abort()` removes ALL event listeners
    // associated with `controller.signal`. Gone!
}, [])

The example above demonstrates how a single useEffect() hook can manage multiple event listeners with different purposes. The cleanup is beautifully simple - one call to controller.abort() removes all listeners at once!

Fetch requests

The fetch() API also integrates seamlessly with AbortSignal. When an abort event is triggered, any pending request will be cancelled, and its promise will reject.

function uploadFile(file: File) {
  const controller = new AbortController()
  // Provide the abort signal to this fetch request
  // so it can be aborted anytime be calling `controller.abort()`.
  const response = fetch("/upload", {
    method: "POST",
    body: file,
    signal: controller.signal,
  return { response, controller }

In this example, uploadFile() starts a file upload and returns both the response promise and the controller. This makes it easy to cancel uploads when needed, such as when users click a "Cancel" button.

AbortSignal provides several convenient static methods that make request handling even easier.


The AbortSignal.timeout() method offers a concise way to create time-limited operations. It automatically aborts after the specified duration - perfect for adding request timeouts without manual AbortController setup:

fetch(url, {
  // Abort this request automatically if it takes
  // more than 3000ms to complete.
  signal: AbortSignal.timeout(3000),


Similar to how you can use Promise.race() to handle multiple promises on a first-come-first-served basis, you can utilize the AbortSignal.any() static method to group multiple abort signals into one.

const publicController = new AbortController()
const internalController = new AbortController()
channel.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, {
  signal: AbortSignal.any([publicController.signal, internalController.signal]),

The example above shows two controllers working together: a public one that lets code consumers trigger aborts, and an internal one for our own cleanup needs. Either controller can remove the message listener independently.

When any signal provided to AbortSignal.any() aborts, it triggers the combined signal to abort as well. Once aborted, subsequent abort events from other signals are ignored.


You can use AbortController and AbortSignal to cancel streams as well.

const stream = new WritableStream({
  write(chunk, controller) {
    controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
      // Handle stream abort here.
const writer = stream.getWriter()
await writer.abort()

The WritableStream controller provides a signal property that works just like any other AbortSignal. Calling writer.abort() triggers the abort event on this signal, allowing for clean stream cancellation.

Abort error handling

Each abort event can carry a custom reason, enabling you to handle different cancellation scenarios in distinct ways.

You can provide an abort reason when calling controller.abort(), and later access it through the signal's reason property to determine why the operation was cancelled.

const controller = new AbortController()
controller.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
  console.log(controller.signal.reason) // "user cancellation"
// Provide a custom reason to this abort.
controller.abort("user cancellation")

The reason argument can be any JavaScript value so you can pass strings, errors, or even objects.


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