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Zigzag Conversion



The problem involves rearranging a string into a zigzag pattern across a given number of rows and then reading the pattern row by row. To efficiently build the zigzag pattern, we simulate the row traversal by switching direction between top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top. Each character is placed in the appropriate row during traversal, and the rows are later joined to form the final result.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Edge Case Handling:
    • If the number of rows is 1 or greater than the string length, return the input string directly as no transformation is needed.
  2. Initialize Data Structures:
    • Create an array record of size numRows, with each element initialized to an empty string. This array will store the characters for each row.
    • Use a boolean flag ascending to track the direction of movement (either down or up the rows).
    • Initialize a curRow variable to keep track of the current row being filled.
  3. Iterate Through the Characters:
    • Traverse the input string, placing each character in the appropriate row of record based on the current direction.
    • Adjust the curRow value:
      • If moving down, increment curRow.
      • If moving up, decrement curRow.
    • Switch directions whenever the first row (curRow === 0) or the last row (curRow === numRows - 1) is reached.
  4. Join the Rows:
    • After all characters are placed, concatenate all rows from record to form the final result string.


  • Time Complexity: , where n is the length of the input string. Each character is processed exactly once.
  • Space Complexity: , since we store all characters in the record array.


function convert(s: string, numRows: number): string {
  if (numRows <= 1) {
    return s
  const record: string[] = new Array(numRows).fill("");
  let ascending = true
  let curRow = -1
  for (const char of s) {
    curRow += ascending ? 1 : -1
    record[curRow] += char
    if (curRow === 0) {
      ascending = true
    } else if (curRow === numRows - 1) {
      ascending = false
  return record.join("")
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