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Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I



The problem involves determining the shortest distance from city 0 to city n-1 after processing each query. Each query adds a new one-way road between cities u and v, which can potentially update the shortest path. This requires recalculating the shortest path dynamically after every query.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Dynamic Programming Array (dp):

    • Use dp[i] to store the shortest distance from city 0 to city i.
    • Initially, the shortest distance to city i is i.
  2. Predecessor Tracking (prev):

    • Use prev[i] to maintain a list of cities that have direct roads leading to city i.
    • Initially, only city i-1 can reach city i for i > 0.
  3. Processing Queries:

    • For each query [u, v], a new road is added from city u to city v.
    • Add u to the list of predecessors for city v in prev[v].
  4. Recomputing Distances:

    • For each city i starting from v, check all its predecessors in prev[i].
    • Update dp[i] to the minimum of its current value and dp[j] + 1, where j is a predecessor.
  5. Store Results:

    • After recalculating distances for all cities, store the shortest distance to city n-1 (dp[n-1]) in the result array.


  • Time Complexity: , setting up the dp[] and prev arrays takes . For each query, updating the shortest path and checking all predecessors takes , where q is the number of queries and n is the number of cities.
  • Space Complexity: , dynamic Programming Array , predecessor Array in the worst case, if every city has roads from all others.


function shortestDistanceAfterQueries(
  n: number,
  queries: number[][],
): number[] {
  // dp[i] records the shortest distance from 0 to i
  const dp: number[] = Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => i)
  // prev[i] records all cities that can reach city i
  const prev: number[][] = Array.from({ length: n }, () => [])
  for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    prev[i].push(i - 1)
  const result: number[] = []
  for (const [u, v] of queries) {
    // Add a new road from u to v
    // Update dp array starting from city v
    for (let i = v; i < n; i++) {
      for (const j of prev[i]) {
        dp[i] = Math.min(dp[i], dp[j] + 1)
    // Store the shortest distance to city n-1
    result.push(dp[n - 1])
  return result
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