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Longest Common Prefix



The task is to find the longest common prefix shared by an array of strings. We can use a character-by-character comparison across all strings. By checking each character position in all strings, we can quickly find the prefix shared by all.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Initialize a Pointer:
    • Start with a pointer left at 0, which will track the length of the common prefix.
  2. Character-by-Character Comparison:
    • For each character position left in the first string, check if it matches the character at the same position in all other strings using Array.every().
    • If all strings have the same character at position left, increment left to continue checking the next character.
    • If any string has a different character at position left, break out of the loop.
  3. Return the Result:
    • Return the substring from the start up to left in strs[0], representing the longest common prefix.


  • Time complexity: , n is the number of strings, and m is the length of the shortest string in the array.

  • Space complexity: , no additional space is used aside from a few variables.


function longestCommonPrefix(strs: string[]): string {
  let left = 0
  while (left < strs[0].length) {
    const isSame = strs.every((str) => str[left] === strs[0][left])
    if (!isSame) break
  return strs[0].slice(0, left)
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