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Generate Parentheses



The problem asks us to generate all valid combinations of n pairs of parentheses. This is a classic backtracking problem where we build solutions by adding either an opening ( or a closing ) bracket at each step, ensuring that each combination remains valid.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Backtracking with Constraints:

    • Start with an empty string and two counters for open and close parentheses remaining.
    • For each recursive call, if both counters are zero, the string is complete and valid, so add it to the results.
    • If there are open parentheses left, add an open parenthesis and decrease the open counter.
    • If there are fewer open than close parentheses, add a closing parenthesis and decrease the close counter. This ensures parentheses are balanced.
  2. Return Result:

    • Initiate backtracking from an empty string and n open and close parentheses.
    • Return the list of valid combinations collected during the recursive calls.


  • Time complexity: , where n is the number of pairs. This follows from Catalan number growth in generating balanced parentheses.
  • Space complexity: for recursion depth.


function backtrack(
  str: string,
  openRemaining: number,
  closeRemaining: number,
  results: string[]
) {
  if (openRemaining === 0 && closeRemaining === 0) {
  if (openRemaining > 0) {
    backtrack(str + "(", openRemaining - 1, closeRemaining, results)
  if (openRemaining < closeRemaining) {
    backtrack(str + ")", openRemaining, closeRemaining - 1, results)
function generateParenthesis(n: number): string[] {
  const results: string[] = []
  backtrack("", n, n, results)
  return results
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