Defuse The Bomb
The task requires us to decrypt a given code by computing a sliding window sum, with the window defined by k. The window either slides from left to right (when k > 0) or right to left (when k < 0). We can use a sliding window technique to efficiently calculate the sums without recomputing each sum from scratch.
Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:
Handle Edge Case for k = 0:
- If k = 0, we return an array of zeros since no values need to be modified.
Initialize the Sliding Window:
- We compute the sum of the first window (segment) of elements from code. The window's start and end positions depend on whether k > 0 (slide to the right) or k < 0 (slide to the left).
- The start pointer indicates the left boundary, and end pointer indicates the right boundary of the window.
Sliding Window:
- Assign the current window sum to the result array.
- Slide the window by removing the element at the start and adding the element at the end + 1 position (taking care of the circular nature using modulo).
Modulo Operation:
- Since the array code is circular, when moving past the end of the array, we wrap around to the beginning using the modulo operation (% n).
- Time Complexity: , the sliding window approach processes each element once.
- Space Complexity: , as we use an additional array to store the result.