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3sum Closest



The goal is to find a triplet in nums whose sum is closest to a given target. We can leverage a similar two-pointer approach as in the "3Sum" problem, but instead of looking for a sum of exactly zero, we aim to find the sum closest to the target.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Sort the Array:
    • First, sort nums in ascending order, which allows us to use two pointers effectively for summing values.
  2. Initialize Closest Sum:
    • Set ans as the sum of the first three numbers, as an initial closest sum.
    • Calculate the initial difference, diff, between ans and target.
  3. Iterate with Fixed Pointer:
    • For each index left, treat nums[left] as the first number of the triplet.
  4. Two-Pointer Technique:
    • Set middle to left + 1 and right to nums.length - 1.
    • Calculate sum = nums[left] + nums[middle] + nums[right].
    • If sum equals target, return sum, as it's the closest possible.
    • Otherwise, calculate the difference, tempDiff, between sum and target.
      • If tempDiff is smaller than diff, update ans with sum and diff with tempDiff.
      • If sum is greater than target, move right to decrease the sum.
      • If sum is less than target, move middle to increase the sum.
  5. Return the Result:
  • After finding the closest sum in all iterations, return ans.


  • Time complexity: , sorting takes O(n log n), and the two-pointer traversal for each element takes O(n), making it O(n²) overall.
  • Space complexity: for extra space (excluding the result variable).


function threeSumClosest(nums: number[], target: number): number {
  nums = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b)
  let ans = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
  let diff = Math.abs(ans - target)
  for (let left = 0; left < nums.length - 2; left++) {
    let middle = left + 1
    let right = nums.length - 1
    while (middle < right) {
      const sum = nums[left] + nums[middle] + nums[right]
      if (sum === target) {
        return sum
      const tempDiff = Math.abs(sum - target)
      if (tempDiff < diff) {
        ans = sum
        diff = tempDiff
      if (sum > target) {
      } else {
  return ans
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