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The task is to find all unique triplets in the array that sum to zero. This is a variation of the two-pointer approach often used for finding pairs that meet a condition. By sorting the array, we can efficiently find these triplets by combining a fixed left pointer with two moving pointers.


Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the approach:

  1. Sort the Array:
    • Sort nums in ascending order. This allows us to use two pointers effectively.
  2. Iterate with Fixed Pointer:
    • For each index left, treat nums[left] as the first number of the triplet.
    • If nums[left] is greater than zero, break the loop, as all subsequent numbers will also be positive, making it impossible to reach a sum of zero.
  3. Skip Duplicates:
    • If nums[left] is the same as the previous number, skip it to avoid duplicate triplets.
  4. Two-Pointer Technique:
    • Initialize middle at left + 1 and right at nums.length - 1.
    • Calculate sum = nums[left] + nums[middle] + nums[right].
      • If sum is zero, add the triplet [nums[left], nums[middle], nums[right]] to the result and move both pointers to avoid duplicates.
      • If sum is greater than zero, decrement right to reduce the sum.
      • If sum is less than zero, increment middle to increase the sum.
  5. Return the Result:
    • Return the array of unique triplets.


  • Time complexity: , sorting takes O(nlogn), and the two-pointer traversal for each element takes O(n), making it O(n²) overall.
  • Space complexity: for extra space (excluding the result array).


function threeSum(nums: number[]): number[][] {
  nums = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b)
  const ans: number[][] = []
  for (let left = 0; left < nums.length - 2; left++) {
    if (nums[left] > 0) break
    if (left > 0 && nums[left] === nums[left - 1]) continue
    let middle = left + 1
    let right = nums.length - 1
    while (middle < right) {
      const sum = nums[left] + nums[middle] + nums[right]
      if (sum === 0) {
        ans.push([nums[left], nums[middle], nums[right]])
        while (middle < right && nums[middle] === nums[middle + 1]) middle++
        while (middle < right && nums[right] === nums[right - 1]) right--
      } else if (sum > 0) {
      } else {
  return ans
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